
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see KBL 2.5.sr1

A Connection is a mechanism to specify the electrical connectivity between two or more contact points. A connection describes the connectivity of a Wire_occurrence or a Core_occurrence. It shall not be confused with the connections defined in the electrical design (schematic or wiring).

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner 4_Connectivity
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier Changed_element
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
Id String 0..1

The id specifies the identifier of the Connectivity. The values are company specific. They can depend also on wire parameters. Example: electrical potential, start->destination

Description String 0..1

The description specifies additional information about the object.

Localized_description Localized_string 0..*

The description specifies additional information about the object. The Localized_description provides the possibility to define descriptions for different language codes.

Signal_name String 0..1

The signal_name specifies logical information on a Connection. Example: packet on a bus, analogue voltage (high/low, waved) on a wire.

Signal_type String 0..1

Defines the type of a signal like (BUS, ENERGY, GROUND, …). Special values have to be negotiated between exchange partners.

Nominal_voltage String 0..1

Defines the nominal voltage of a signal like (12V, 24V, 48V, HV, …). Special values have to be negotiated between exchange partners.


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
External_reference External_references 0..* 0..*
Extremity Extremities 2..* 1
Wire_or_core_occurrence Wire 1 0..1
Schematic_connection Realized_schematic_connection 0..1 0..*
Processing_instruction Processing_information 0..* 1
Installation_instruction Installation_information 0..* 1

Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
Routing 0..* Routed_wire 1