VEC Version 1.1.1

Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

This version fixes a technical bug in the namespace declaration, only. The 1.1.0 model description and the associated tutorials are still valid.

The reason for this is the previous use of the schema namespace. Until the last distributed schema version (1.1.0) the version of the VEC schema was encoded in the XML namespace(e.g. This means that when a new version of the schema is released, basically all existing VEC instance documents would no longer be valid, regardless of whether there have been changes to the used schema elements or not. In particular, pure extensions of the schema would automatically invalidate existing instances. This is particularly in the case of backward compatible changes or when using the “VEC schema modules” a highly undesirable side effect.

For this reason, the vehicle electrical PG has decided to publish in future all new versions of the VEC schema under the same target namespace ( The version of the schema is clearly marked by the version attribute of the xs:schema element. All created instance documents carry their version information in the attribute VecVersion at the root element VecContent. This attribute has the type enumeration for versions, defining the valid version literals.

Since both at VW and BMW VEC interfaces are about to go live, the VDA project group has decided to fix this issue in short-time and published a version 1.1.1.

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Table of Content

  1. Overview
  2. Release Notes
  3. Key Concepts
    1. Parts and Documents
    2. Unit System
    3. Localization of Values
    4. Extensibility with Custom Properties
    5. Variants
    6. Usage Node
    7. Usage Constraints
  4. PDM Information
    1. Lifecycle Information
    2. Item History
    3. Item Equivalence
  5. Description of Components
    1. Foundation Classes for Physical Properties
    2. Description of Parts
    3. General Technical Part
    4. Wire
    5. Terminals
    6. Connector Housings
    7. Cavity Mapping
    8. Cavity Seals and Cavity Plugs
    9. EE-Components
    10. Pinning Information & Pinning Variance
    11. Wire Protections
    12. Fixings, Grommets and CableDucts
    13. Placeable Elements
    14. Compatibility
    15. Contact System
  6. Instances of Components
    1. Instantiation of Components
    2. Instances of Wires
    3. Instances of Terminals
    4. Instances of Connector Housings
    5. Instances of Cavity Seals and Cavity Plugs
    6. Instances of EE-Components
    7. Instances of Wire Protections
    8. Instances of Fixings, Grommets and Cable Ducts
    9. Instances of undefined Components
    10. Instances of Placeable Components
    11. Installation Instructions
  7. Topology and Geometry
    1. Topology- and Topology Group Specification
    2. 2D-Geometry
    3. 3D-Geometry
    4. Locations
    5. Placement and Dimensions
    6. Routing
  8. Connectivity
    1. Signal Specification
    2. Net Specification
    3. Connection Specification
    4. Wiring Specification
    5. Contacting Specification
    6. Mating Specification
    7. Wire Grouping Specification
  9. Complex Part Descriptions
    1. Assemblies, Modules and Harness (Configurations)
    2. Harness and Variants
  10. External Mapping
    1. External Mapping
  11. XML Representation of the Model
    1. VEC-Root
    2. Mapping of the VEC Model to XML schema definition (XSD)
    3. Open and Closed Enumerations
  12. Classes
  13. VEC-Examples
    1. External Mapping