
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A Role is the corresponding mechanism for OccurrenceOrUsages to the PartOrUsageRelatedSpecifcations for PartVersions or PartUsages. The PartOrUsageRelatedSpecifcations are describing a certain aspect of the master data of a part. A Role describes the corresponding properties and relationships for instances of a part (e.g. the usage specific properties of a wire occurrence like the length or the contacting).

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner instancing
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ExtendableElement
Is Abstract true
Derived Classifiers CableDuctRole, CavityPlugRole, CavitySealRole, ConnectorHousingRole, EEComponentRole, FixingRole, GrommetRole, PartWithSubComponentsRole, PlaceableElementRole, SpecificRole, TerminalRole, WireProtectionRole, WireRole


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 0..1

Specifies a unique identification of the Role. The identification is guaranteed to be unqiue within the OccurrenceOrUsage.


Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
OccurrenceOrUsage 0..1 role 0..*

Specifies the different roles of the OccurrenceOrUsage.
