Connection Specification
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0
A ConnectionSpecification is intended to contain the logical information that is usually included on an electrical system connection plan. It can either stand alone or detail the information of a NetSpecification. A ConnectionSpecification is a container for various ComponentNodes, Connections and ConnectionGroups. A ConnectionSpecification is used, if requirements for realization of the concrete network topology should be specified (e.g. should a Net with three NetworkPorts be realized with one connection using insulation displacement technology or with three individual connections and a splice).
Note: Logical information means a ConnectionSpecification doesn’t contain layout information. Layout information can be exchanged by other formats like SVG, PDF or DXF.
A ComponentNode is a representative for an element in the electric system, e.g. an actuator, a sensor, an ECUs. In this way it is quite similar to a NetworkNode and may even reference the corresponding NetworkNode in this case. However, in contrast to a NetworkNode a ComponentNode is more likely to be used as a representative of an inliner or a splice. Moreover, a ComponentNode can define childNodes in order to describe its internal structure.
Note: If inliners are introduced in a ConnectionSpecification which is intended to be a refinement of a NetSpecification the affected Nets will be divided into several Connections.
A ComponentNode can specify various ComponentPorts. Each ComponentPort can reference its corresponding NetworkPort (if it has one).
Note: There may be use cases for a ComponentNode referencing a certain NetworkNode and at the same time specifying more ComponentPorts than the referenced NetworkNode specifies NetworkPorts. An example might be the intent to specify configuration dependent Connections in combination with the wish that the relevant Connections them self, do not have to reference VariantConditions.
A Connection specifies an ordered set of two or more ConnectionEnds in which each references a certain ComponentPort. Specifying more than two ConnectionEnds means that the realization uses insulation displacement technology and the realizing wire must be routed in the defined order of the ConnectionEnds.
A ConnectionGroup references two or more Connections expressing the physical realization of the referenced Connection shall be somehow grouped e.g. twisted. For complex structures a ConnectionGroup can specify subgroups. Finally, a ConnectionGroup can reference a NetGroup in order to express a refinement-relationship.