
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A PartOccurrence is an instance of a component with a specified part number (PartVersion).

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner part_structure
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier OccurrenceOrUsage
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the OccurrenceOrUsage. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the context. Over all VEC-documents an OccurrenceOrUsage-instance can be trusted to be the same if the context-instance is the same and the identification of the OccurrenceOrUsage is the same.

aliasId AliasIdentification 0..*

Room to specify additional identifiers for the OccurrenceOrUsage.

abbreviation LocalizedString 0..*

Specifies an abbreviation of the OccurrenceOrUsage. Normally this a human readable short name.

description AbstractLocalizedString 0..*

Specifies additional, human readable information about the OccurrenceOrUsage.

isSecondaryAlternative Boolean 0..1

If a PartUsage is realized by more than one PartOccurrence it is possible to specify which one is the preferred. (see KBLFRM-264)


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
PartVersion part 0..1 0..*

References the PartVersion that is instantiated by this PartOccurrence.

PartUsage realizedPartUsage 0..1 0..* References the PartUsage that is realized by the PartOccurrence.
PartOccurrence referenceElement 0..* 0..*

References the PartOcurrence for which this PartOccurrence is an accessory.

PartOccurrence alternativeOccurrence 0..* 0..*

References the PartOcurrences that are an alternative for this PartOccurrence.

PartOccurrence instanciatedOccurrence 0..* 0..*

References the PartOccurrence which is instantiated by the PartOccurrence. This reference is for example needed in the case of usage of assemblies.

Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
PartOccurrence 0..* alternativeOccurrence 0..*

References the PartOcurrences that are an alternative for this PartOccurrence.

ModuleList 0..* completionComponents 1..* References the components that are used as completition, if any of the Modules in the ModuleList appears in a configuration.
CompositionSpecification 1 component 0..*

Specifies the PartOccurrences defined in the CompositionSpecification.

PartStructureSpecification 0..* inBillOfMaterial 0..*

References the PartOccurrences that are building the bill of material of a composite part.

PartOccurrence 0..* instanciatedOccurrence 0..*

References the PartOccurrence which is instantiated by the PartOccurrence. This reference is for example needed in the case of usage of assemblies.

PartOccurrence 0..* referenceElement 0..*

References the PartOcurrence for which this PartOccurrence is an accessory.
