
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

Defines a point on the component which can be placed explicitly in the topology (e.g. opening in a grommet, the entry point of a connector housing). If a PlacementPoint requires further specification for a certain component type (e.g. the entry point of a connector housing), this is done by an element specific for the component type, which related to the placement point.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner placeable_element
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ExtendableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the PlacementPoint. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within a component.

segmentDiameter ValueRange 0..1

Specifies the valid segment diameter range for which this PlacementPoint is suitable.


Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
PlacementPointReference 0..* placementPoint 1

References the PlacementPoint that is instanced by this PlacementPointReference.

SegmentConnectionPoint 0..* placementPoint 0..1

Specifies the PlacementPoint that represents this SegmentConnectionPoint in a PlaceableElementSpecification.

CableDuctOutlet 0..* placementPoint 0..1

Specifies the PlacementPoint that represents this CableDuctOutlet in a PlaceableElementSpecification.

CableLeadThrough 0..* placementPoint 0..1

Specifies the PlacementPoint that represents this CableLeadThrough in a PlaceableElementSpecification.

FittingOutlet 0..* placementPoint 0..1

Specifies the PlacementPoint that represents this FittingOutlet in a PlaceableElementSpecification.

WireReception 0..* placementPoint 0..1

Specifies the PlacementPoint that represents this WireReception in a PlaceableElementSpecification.

PlaceableElementSpecification 1 placementPoint 0..*

Specifies the PlacementPoints of an PlaceableElementSpecification.
