
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A TerminalReception is the area of a terminal where the contacting with another terminal (e.g. between a connector housing and a control unit) takes place. Normally the terminal reception is placed in a cavity of a connector housing.

This class represents such an area on the terminal.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner electrical_parts
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ExtendableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the TerminalReception. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the TerminalSpecification (this might be for example a reception number).

gender String 0..1

Specifies the gender of the TerminalReception. This should be an enumeration of values defined in a conformance class (e.g. male, female). The gender is included in the TerminalReception class in order to be able to refer the same TerminalReceptionSpecification gender-independent. KBLFRM-360


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
TerminalReceptionSpecification terminalReceptionSpecification 0..1 0..* References the TerminalReceptionSpecification that specifies the TerminalReception.

Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
InternalTerminalConnection 0..1 terminalReception 0..* References the TerminalReceptions that participate in the InternalTerminalConnection.
TerminalReceptionReference 0..* terminalReception 1

References the TerminalReception that is instanced by this TerminalReceptionReference.

TerminalSpecification 1 terminalReception 0..* Specifies the TerminalReceptions of the terminal described by the TerminalSpecification.