Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0
The diagram above defines the class VecContent which is intended to be regarded as the top-level root element for VEC documents. It is the declared entry point to the information that a VEC file contains.
A VecContent is a container for various DocumentVersions, PartVersions, Projects, ItemHistoryEntries, CopyrightInformations, Units, and Contracts. DocumentVersion and PartVersion are the only two classes in the VEC model that define and contain version information. Almost all information a VEC document can contain is subordinated to one of those two classes. This means, that every piece of information which is represented as an instance of a class of a certain attribute value is distinctly related to a dedicated PartVersion or DocumentVersion.
The only exceptions are classes with the stereotype <<constant>> as shown in the diagram.
Last updated on Feb 15, 2023