
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

The DocumentVersion is one of the two anchors for PDM information in the VEC. All technical information about a PartVersion is contained in one or more documents. The documents are containing the actual content of the VEC since all Specifications are an element of a document.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner core
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ItemVersion
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
abbreviation LocalizedString 0..*

Room for a short name of the Item. In case of a document the attribute is wanted to contain its title.

description AbstractLocalizedString 0..*

Room for additional, human readable information about the ItemVersion. e.g. Buchsengehäuse 26-polig

companyName String 1

Defines the publishing company of the ItemVersion. The companyName is part of the main identifier of an ItemVersion together with the corresponding number (partNumber or documentNumber) and version (partVersion or documentVersion).

processingInstruction Instruction 0..*

Processing instructions for the application of the part or the document.

documentNumber String 1

The documentNumber is the major identifier of a DocumentVersion. The format is user defined and respectively company specific.

documentType DocumentType 0..1

The type of the document, that is defined in an OpenEnumeration and gives a hint about the content of the document. Values for typical types of documents in the process are predefined (e.g. a part master document for the specification of a PartVersion).

At later point, further constraint might be attached to documentType defining a minimum content for certain types of documents.

documentVersion String 1

The documentVersion specifies the version index of a document (see also documentNumber).

digitalRepresentationIndex String 0..1

An arbitrary change index that indicates if the digital representation (the content in VEC) of this DocumentVersion has been changed / regenerated. This can be for example an index, a timestamp or a checksum. This allows the detection of changes in the content, even when the DocumentNumber & DocumentVersion is the same.

For a more detailed explanation in the context see "Parts & Documents". KBLFRM-837.

creatingSystem String 0..1

The creatingSystem specifies the computer application or the machine which is used to create the document.

dataFormat String 0..1

The dataFormat specifies the convention that was used to structure the information in the document. This is useful if the DocumentVersion is a pointer to an external document, which is not contained in the VEC or if the content of this DocumentVersion was automatically generated by the extraction of the information out of the original document.

fileName String 0..1

The name of the file as it appears in the VEC-Package, including the folder structure (fully qualified name) that contains this DocumentVersion. If this DocumentVersion is a link to an external document (e.g. a ComponentSymbol), then the fileName attribute points to the file containing the original document. The usage of this attribute is only valid, if the original document is distributed along with the VEC-file in a VEC-Package. It must not point to any file location which is not part of the VEC-Package (e.g. a File on a central server file share).

location String 0..1

The location is a possibility to provide a reference to the source location of the DocumentVersion (e.g. a document management system or an archive system) where the original document can be found. The location shall be provided either as an URN or URL.


numberOfSheets Integer 0..1

The number of sheets contained in the document.


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
Specification specification 0..* 0..1 Specifies the Specifications contained in the DocumentVersion. All structured, technical information in the VEC is described by such Specifications.
SheetOrChapter sheetOrChapter 0..* 1 Specifies SheetOrChapters defined in this DocumentVersion. These are especially useful if the DocumentVersion represents an external reference.
PartVersion referencedPart 0..* 0..* The association is an informative link which PartVersions are described by the DocumentVersion.
DocumentVersion relatedDocument 0..* 0..* The association is an informative link which DocumentVersion are related to each other (e.g. by derivation, A Harness-Drawing is related to a 3D-Model).
ItemEquivalence itemEquivalence 0..* 1 Specifies ItemEquivalances defined by the DocumentVersion.

Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
RequirementsConformanceStatement 1

References the DocumentVersion that contains the requirements to which a conformance statement shall be expressed.

VecContent 1 documentVersion 0..* Specifies the DocumentVersions contained in the VEC-file.
ExternalMappingSpecification 0..* mappedDocument 1

Reference to the DocumentVersion that represents the external data source that connected to the VEC content by the ExternalMappingSpecification.

DocumentBasedInstruction 0..* referencedDocument 1 References the DocumentVersion that is used as an Instruction.
ExtendableElement 0..* referencedExternalDocuments 0..*

This association allows all ExtendableElements in the VEC to reference DocumentVersions as "external reference".

This association shall be used for the extension of elements in the VEC with information that cannot be represented in the VEC in an appropriate way but can be expressed in some external format (e.g. a specific symbol for a ComponentNode).

DocumentVersions referenced by this association shall not contain any Specifications.

This association is no replacement for associations with a more precise semantic like the DocumentBasedInstruction or the associations between PartVersion and DocumentVersion.


DocumentVersion 0..* relatedDocument 0..* The association is an informative link which DocumentVersion are related to each other (e.g. by derivation, A Harness-Drawing is related to a 3D-Model).
DocumentRelatedAssignmentGroup 0..* relatedDocumentVersion 1

References the DocumentVersion to which this group relates.
