
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

Specifies a constraint of the possible usages for PartVersion or PartUsages. UsageConstraints are of part master data information. UsageConstraints specify general restrictions for the application of a PartVersion or PartUsage (e.g. a certain period of time in which the part is allowed to be used). (see KBLFRM-229)

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner usage_constraint
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ExtendableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
type UsageConstraintType 1

Defines if the usage constraint is positive (allowance) or negative (denial).

fromDate Date 0..1

Specifies the lower bound of the time period to which the usage constraint applies.

toDate Date 0..1

Specifies the upper bound of the time period to which the usage constraint applies.

fromSerialNumber String 0..1

Specifies the lower bound of a serial number range to which the usage constraint applies.

toSerialNumber String 0..1

Specifies the upper bound of a serial number range to which the usage constraint applies.

projectPhase String 0..*

Specifies the project phases to which the usage constraint applies.

fromEffectivityControlKey String 0..1

In the production logistics of complex products (like vehicles), the control of operation and cancellation dates of changes, features, components or the like is usually not carried out via concrete dates but via "date keys". These keys are then mapped in planning systems with concrete time specifications for certain plants or production steps. In the VEC these keys are called EffectivityControlKey.

With the FromEffectivityControlKey and ToEffectivityControlKey a validity interval can be defined. If one of the two values is defined and the other is omitted, the meaning shall be "unbounded".

toEffectivityControlKey String 0..1

See FromEffectivityControlKey.


Outgoing Relations

Type Role Mult. Mult. Description
UsageNode usageNode 0..* 0..*

References the UsageNode to which the UsageConstraint applies. This means the described PartVersion is allowed / denied in the referenced UsageNode.

Project project 0..* 0..*

References the Projects to which the UsageConstraint applies. This means the described PartVersion is allowed / denied in the referenced UsageConstraint.

Incoming Relations

Type Mult. Role Mult. Description
UsageConstraintSpecification 1 partUsageConstraint 1..*

Specifies the UsageConstraints that apply to the PartVersion or PartUsages described by the UsageConstraintSpecification. The ordering of this association is relevant. The elements shall arranged in the order of ascending priority. That means, elements further back in the collection have a higher priority.
