
Note: There is a newer version of this specification see VEC 2.1.0

A connection end is the end of a Connection at a ComponentPort.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner schematic
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ConfigurableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the ConnectionEnd. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the ConnectionSpecification.

isExternalEnd Boolean 1

Specifies if the ConnectionEnd is connected to the internal or the external side of the ComponentPort.

gender ConnectionEndGender 0..1

Specifies if the ConnectionEnd is male or female. This may be e.g. important in case of an inliner.

installationInstruction Instruction 0..*

Specifies installation instruction for the ConnectionEnd.


Outgoing Relations

Other End This End General
Role Type Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Mult. Description
connectedComponentPort ComponentPort 1 N Y N 0..* References the ComponentPort that is connected by the ConnectionEnd.

Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
connectionEnd 2..* Y Y N Connection 1 Specifies the ConnectionEnds of the Connection.
connectionEnd 0..* N Y N WireEnd 0..*