
PartUsages shall be used for the specification of the elements on an electrical system wiring plan and for the specification of the elements on a pure geometry description. PartUsages shall more than ever be used in cases where it is necessary to describe a certain instance of a part or part group, possibly together with certain technical properties, but where it is at the same time yet not possible to define a concrete part number.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner part_usage
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier OccurrenceOrUsage
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the OccurrenceOrUsage. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the context. For all VEC-documents an OccurrenceOrUsage-instance can be trusted to be the same if the context-instance is the same and the identification of the OccurrenceOrUsage is the same.

aliasId AliasIdentification 0..*

Room to specify additional identifiers for the OccurrenceOrUsage.

abbreviation LocalizedString 0..*

Specifies an abbreviation of the OccurrenceOrUsage. Normally this a human readable short name.

description AbstractLocalizedString 0..*

Specifies additional, human readable information about the OccurrenceOrUsage.

primaryPartUsageType PrimaryPartType 1

The primary type of the PartUsage defines the type of the described part (e.g. ConnectorHousing, Fixing, etc.) Since the VEC supports dual use parts (e.g. Fixing & WireProtection) there is no direct connection between the primaryPartUsageType and the allowed specifications for the description of a PartUsage.


Outgoing Relations

Other End This End General
Role Type Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Mult. Description
partSubstitution PartSubstitutionSpecification 0..1 N Y N
partOrUsageRelatedSpecification PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification 0..* N Y N 0..* References the PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification(s) that describe the PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification. KBLFRM-399
instanciatedUsage PartUsage 0..* N Y N 0..*

Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
instanciatedUsage 0..* N Y N PartUsage 0..*
partUsage 0..* Y Y N PartUsageSpecification 1 Specifies the PartUsages defined by the PartUsageSpecification.
realizedPartUsage 0..* N Y N PartOccurrence 0..* References the PartUsages that are realized by the PartOccurrence.