
A Routing is the assignment of a RoutableElement (Connection or WireElementReference) to a path in the topology.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner routing
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ConfigurableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 0..1

Specifies a unique identification of the Routing. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the RoutingSpecification.

specialRoutedComment LocalizedString 0..1

Allows the specification of an explanation why this routing has been routed in a special way.

specialRouted Boolean 0..1

Specifies that routing has been created in a special way. This means it has not been calculated in the standard way, because for some reason the result of the standard calculation has been inconvenient.


Outgoing Relations

Other End This End General
Role Type Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Mult. Description
path Path 1 Y Y N 0..1 Specifies a Path on the topology that is used for the routing.
mandatorySegment TopologySegment 0..* N Y N 0..* Specifies some constraints for the routing. If the path of the routing is recalculated the referenced segments must be visited.
routedElement RoutableElement 1 N Y N 0..* Specifies the Element that is routed.

Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
routing 0..* Y Y N RoutingSpecification 1 Specifies the Routings described by the RoutingSpecification.