
A TopologyNode is a point in the Topology where TopologySegments are starting and ending.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner topology
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier ConfigurableElement
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
aliasId AliasIdentification 0..*

Specifies additional identifiers for the TopologyNode.

Example: TopologyNode Ids may vary from one CAD system export to another. Therefore, the CAD system Id is improper for identification attribute. The identification shall have a value which is unique within the Topology. AliasId may be used for the CAD system Id.

identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the TopologyNode. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the TopologySpecification. For all VEC-documents a TopologyNode-instance can be trusted to be the same if the TopologySpecification-instance is the same (see TopologySpecification) and the identification of the TopologyNode is the same.

matchingPointId String 0..1

Specifies an identifier that can be used for matching TopologyNodes that belong to different TopologySpecifications and are actually representing the same node. Example: There are two TopologySpecifications, each specifying the topology of a certain zone of the car. If the zones are adjacent, it is possible that there are TopologyNodes in both zones where the two topologies are connected / have contact. These "connection-nodes" would then define the same matchingPointId.

processingInstruction LocalizedString 0..*

Specifies processing instructions for the TopologyNode.

nodeType NodeType 0..1

Specifies the type of the TopologyNode. A Node can either be an EndNode, a Junction or an Inliner.


Outgoing Relations

Other End This End General
Role Type Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Mult. Description
instantiatedNode TopologyNode 0..1 N Y N 0..*

If this TopologyNode is an instance of another TopologyNode that is defined elsewhere (e.g. the topology of an assembly), then the instantiated may be referenced here.

realizedUsageNode UsageNode 0..1 N Y N 0..*

References the UsageNode that is realized by this TopologyNode.

Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
endNode 1 N Y N TopologySegment 0..* References the TopologyNode where the TopologySegment ends.
innerNode 1 N Y N NodeMapping
instantiatedNode 0..1 N Y N TopologyNode 0..*

If this TopologyNode is an instance of another TopologyNode that is defined elsewhere (e.g. the topology of an assembly), then the instantiated may be referenced here.

referencedNode 1 N Y N NodeLocation 0..*

References the TopologyNode on which the Location is located.

referenceNode 0..1 N Y N GeometryNode 0..* References the TopologyNode that is represented by the GeometryNode.
startNode 1 N Y N TopologySegment 0..* References the TopologyNode where the TopologySegment starts.
topologyNode 0..* Y Y N TopologySpecification 1 Specifies the TopologyNodes defined by the TopologySpecification.