
Specification for the definition of WireGroups. Wire groups are for example used for the representation of twisted pairs.

General Information

Attribute Value
Owner electrical_parts
Applied Stereotype
Base Classifier Specification
Is Abstract false
Derived Classifiers


Name Type Mult. Description Owning Classifier
identification String 1

Specifies a unique identification of the specification. The identification is guaranteed to be unique within the document containing the specification. For all VEC-documents a Specification-instance can be trusted to be identical if the DocumentVersion-instance is the same (see DocumentVersion) and the identification of the Specification is the same.

description AbstractLocalizedString 0..*

Specifies additional, human readable information about the specification.

groupType WireGroupType 1

Specifies the type of the group (e.g. twisted pair, …).

lengthOfTwist NumericalValue 0..1

Specifies the length of twist if the wire group is representing a twisted pair.


Incoming Relations

This End Other End General
Role Mult. Agg. Unique Ordered Type Mult. Description
wireGroupSpecification 0..1 N Y N WireGrouping 0..*

References the WireGroupSpecification that applies to the WireGrouping.

wireGroupSpecification 0..1 N Y N WireElementSpecification 0..*

If the WireElementSpecification is representing a wire group, then the specification of the wire group is referenced here. That means as well, that the WireElementSpecification shall have subWireElementSpecifications.
