Placeable Elements

Placeable Elements

In a wiring harness many components can be placed directly onto the topology (e.g. connectors, fixings). To specify the aspect of placeability the VEC defines a PlaceableElementSpecification. Every component to be placed directly onto the topology must have a PlaceableElementSpecification in addition to its regular type specific PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification (e.g. ConnectorHousingSpecification).

A PlaceableElementSpecification defines at minimum the validPlacementTypes for the component (e.g. a connector can be placed on a point, a tape can be placed on a path in the topology).

In addition, the PlaceableElementSpecification can define important points of the component, MeasurementPoints and PlacementPoints.

MeasurementPoints are locations on the component that can be used to define a dimensioning. To make a MeasurementPoint locatable by a person more information is needed. This information is normally provided with a drawing of the component. The identification can be used to find the MeasurementPoint on the drawing (if it is labelled). To make a MeasurementPoint locatable by a system, the external mapping mechanism can be used.

PlacementPoints are locations on the component, where it can be attached to the wiring harness. Therefore, it can define a segmentDiameter for which it is usable. To locate a PlacementPoint on the component, the same approach as for MeasurementPoints can be used.

Often these PlacementPoints have additional properties depending on the component type. In these cases, the corresponding PartOrUsageRelatedSpecification redefines these elements, with a reference to the PlacementPoint which represents them (e.g. the SegmentConnectionPoint). However, a PlacementPoint can be defined without such a corresponding element, if no additional information is necessary.