Lifecycle Information

Lifecycle Information

An ItemVersion can carry information about the creation of the item. This means the creating timestamp and an optionally information regarding the creator or responsible person.

An ItemVersion normally has approval information and can be specified within the VEC by the relationship ItemVersion.approval. The class Permission allows the documentation of the persons involved in the approval-process.

The class ChangeDescription expresses the changes of an ItemVersion compared to its direct predecessorVersion(s).

The class CopyrightInformation enables the description of copyright information of ItemVersions. Instances of the class CopyrightInformation are assumed to be constant and so do not require a dedicated belonging to a versioned instance (PartVersion or DocumentVersion).

An ItemVersion can have contract information with company role information. Instances of the class Contract are assumed to be constant and so do not require a dedicated belonging to a versioned instance (PartVersion or DocumentVersion).

A PartVersion can reference a Project in order to describe for which Project it is relevant. Instances of the class Project are assumed to be constant and so do not need to have a dedicated belonging to a versioned instance (PartVersion or DocumentVersion).
